Goede morgen allemaal,
vandaag heb ik weer een boerderijkaartje om te laten zien. Dit keer het model Card Locks van Dutch Doobadoo:
Good morning everyone,
today I have another farm card to show you. This time I used the model Card Locks from Dutch Doobadoo:
Cardstock: 3 tones of Kraft, white, 3 tones of green, red, black, pink, silver mirror, yellow, brown.
Tools: Marianne Design "Eline's zebra/donkey COL1447, Eline's cow COL 1426, Farmers Fence COL1407, Build a Tree COL1424, Village Decoration COL1383, Tiny's pinetrees CR1423, Garden soil CR1397, Seed pocket and garden tools CR1395, Punch birds CR1398, Punch Die Letters CR1417, Tiny's Trees Birch CR 1337, Bendy card CR1402, Tiny's grass LR0360", Yvonne Design "Country Life Farm Border, Country Life Country Life frame", Joy Crafts Noor Design "Scarecrow". MFT dienamics "Barn".

Bedankt voor de lieve reacties op mijn bendy boerderijkaart en mijn clay art Pink Floyd wall!!!
Thank you for the sweet comments on my Bendy farm card and my clay art Pink Floyd wall!!!