- skin: C560 peach and C530 pale brown for shading.
- hair: C510 brown.
- dress and star: C380 sea green.
- ribbon ornament: C220 grey lavender and C530 pale brown.
dinsdag 28 december 2010
christmas card hobbypaleis
zaterdag 25 december 2010
the first two christmas cards for next year HOBBYPALEIS
- skin: C560 peach and C530 pale brown for shading.
- red: C130 deep red.
- pink:C200 bright pink
- brown: C530 pale brown
- green: C450 yellow green.
maandag 13 december 2010
tiddly inks challenge #31 christmas caroling!!!
- light brown: C530 pale brown.
- dark brown: C510 brown.
- red: C130 deep red and C110 scarlet to make it brighter.
- green: C440 light green and C420 green for shading.
- christmas bell: C050 yellow ochre.
- shoes: C130 deep red and C160 logan berry for shading.
donderdag 9 december 2010
the sweet stop sketch challenge#85 hobbypaleis
zondag 5 december 2010
tiddly inks challenge #30: christmas time is here
- red: C130 deep red, C110 scarlet.
- purple/black: C270 royal purple, C650 black.
- pink: C180 blush pink.
- skin: C560 peach and C530 pale brown for shading.
- hair and houses: C530 pale brown.
- red: C130 deep red, C160 logan berry for shading and C110 scarlet to make it brighter.
- light green: C450 yellow green.
- dark green: C400 mid green.
I also made a card with the 1 year anniversery sketch from the club christmas creations:
- skin: C560 peach and C530 pale brown for shading.
- hair: C530 pale brown.
- lollipops: C110 scarlet.
- caw: C720 white grey and for the spots C360 cloud blue and C670 dove grey.
- mouse: C720 white grey.
- red: C130 deep red, C110 scarlet to make it brighter.
- blue: C360 cloud blue, C290 ultramarine and C670 dove grey.
- skin: C560 peach and C530 pale brown for shading.
- hair luca: black C650
- hair kellita: C050 yellow ochre and C530 pale brown for shading.
- blue: C360 cloud blue, C390 grey green.
woensdag 1 december 2010
I'm one of the new design team members for hobbypaleis
dinsdag 30 november 2010
double dutch challenge#57 sketch it christmas style...
- skin: C560 peach and C530 pale brown for shading.
- red: C130 deep red, C160 logan berry for shading and C110 scarlet to make it brighter.
- blue: C390 grey green.
- hair: C530 pale brown.
- skin: C560 peach and C530 pale brown for shading.
- red: C130 deep red, C160 logan berry for shading and C110 scarlet to make it brighter.
- blue: C390 grey green.
- hair: C530 pale brown.
- leaves in her hair: C450 yellow green.
maandag 22 november 2010
friday sketchers # 129
- skin: C560 peach and C530 pale brown for the shades
- hair: C220 grey lavender and C530 pale brown. this way I can make the brown a bit lighter.
- outfit: C130 deep red, C160 logan berry for shade and C110 scarlet to make it all a bit brighter.
- shades around image: C530 pale brown.
- skin: C560 peach and C530 pale brown for the shades.
- hair: C530 pale brown.
- outfits red : C130 deep red for the darker parts and C110 scarlet to make it a bit brighter.
- outfits pink: C100 rose.
- ornament: same colours as the outfits.
- presents: C440 light green and C420 for the darker parts.
- lights red: same as outfit
- lights green: same as presents.
- shades around image: C670 dove grey and at the ground I also used C530 pale brown over it.
zondag 14 november 2010
christmascard with one of my new stamps...
donderdag 11 november 2010
KREADOE 2010!!!
- 10 magnolia: 4 little ones for € 1,00 each and 6 tilda's ( look down for better pictures):
- kaisercraft friendly sentiments.
- lots of glimmerstones ( only €0,25 each bag ) maybe I needed to look for more but it was so crowded at that stand and I got a little clausterfobic there.
- 2 pink bags.
- creatable tree from marianne design.
dinsdag 9 november 2010
maandag 8 november 2010
voor nieuwere berichten a.u.b ff naar beneden scrollen.
this message wil stay on top until 8 november.
for new posts please scroll down.
whoohoo, dit weekend heb ik de 100 volgers gehaald ( ondertussen alweer 102 ) daarom geef ik nou mijn eerste candy weg!!! christy van tiddly inks was zo lief om 3 digitale stempels te doneren en je mag zelf kiezen welke 3. tiddly inks is 1 van mijn favoriete stempelmerken en vind dus vind het echt super dat ze dit voor me doet!!!
dus heel erg bedankt christy.
whoohoo, this weekend I hit the 100 followers ( meanwhile 102 ) so that's why I'm gonna give away my first candy!!! christy from tiddly inks was so sweet to donate 3 digital images of your choice. tiddly inks is 1 off my favourite stampbrands and there for I think it's totaly awesome that she does this for me!!!
so a lot of thanks to you christy.

een paar regeltjes:
- je moet een volger zijn of worden. ( dit omdat het een volgerscandy is )
- mijn candy op je blog plaatsen.
- plaats een reactie onder dit bericht.
ik zal alle namen op briefjes schrijven, dubbelvouwen en in een vaas doen en over 2 weken grabbel ik er een winnaar uit.
iedereen veel geluk toegewenst!!!
nog ff ter herinnering: het gaat hier om 3 digitale stempels en is dus om uit te printen met je printer!!!
ik heb besloten dat mijn vriendin lian ook mee mag doen. ze heeft geen blog maar ze volgt me al vanaf het begin dus daarom gaat haar naam ook in de vaas.
a few rules:
- you must be a follower or become one. ( this because it's a followers candy )
- place my candy on your blog.
- place a message under this blogpost.
I will write all the names on little notes, fold it and put into a vase and about 2 weeks I will grab a winner out.
good luck to everyone!!!
just to remember: this is about 3 digital images and is to print out with your printer!!!
I decided that my friend lian can join too. she doesn't have a blog but she's following me from the beginning so that's why her name will be in the vase too.
scraponline crazy meiden...
sentiments: digi hobbypaleis "feest"and "gefeliciteerd 5"
ik maak morgen de winnaar bekend van mijn blogcandy!!!
tomorrow I will announce the winner from my blogcandy!!!